Clubs – “They’re only interested in old stuff”

Delivering a package for collection to one of the local convenience stores, I noticed a black guy with tied-back dreadlocks detecting behind the goalmouth on the community footy pitch in front of the store. He was using an entry level Yellow Peril, but unlike many users he was at least using headphones.

So I wandered over to see how he was getting on.

He told me he’d found a couple of pound coins so far – enough to buy a bottle of cider.

Was he a member of any local clubs, I asked.

“No,” quoth he. “They’re only interested in old stuff.”

He was only interested in finding loose change. As long as he kept himself in cider he was a happy bunny.

I left him to it.

I think he’s the first black guy I’ve seen detecting though I know there must be others out there. We do seem to be a very white lot, we detectorists.

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