New permission, partly fronting a Roman Road

I finalised a new permission this morning on a mixed farm. This is one of a handful of farms I had prospected earlier in the year where the farmer had asked me to get back in touch once the wheat or barley was off. In fact I think I’ve left it later than I should have done as some fields have already been ploughed and reseeded, but I reckon I can get up to a dozen sessions in before it’s all out of bounds again.

I’m particularly excited about a couple of fields which run alongside one of the region’s minor Roman roads.  I’m not sure what sort of traffic, or how much, a fairly minor Roman road would have carried but it would probably have remained in use for a couple of centuries after the Roman departure, so somebody must have dropped something alongside it in that time. These fields are currently lying to stubble so should be accessible for a while.

Time to do some reading up on Roman roads.